I remember back in the early 70's when they introduced the "tract" work. The "end" was so imminent that we were instructed to get these important "tracts" distributed immediately. We were to get in and get out. No presentation, no conversations, just leave the tracts at each door and scurry to the next. Everyone was so enthused...this was finally it and it was so easy.
Tract #1 came and went as did Tract #2 .
When Tract #3 came along they told us that this third tract would be like Joshua's "trumpets" when his army circled Jerico for the third time and they blew their trumpets to bring the walls of the city, down. Such would be the case with our "tracts" and this system of things. The world would not be alerted of this cataclysmic event quickly within a few hours via a worldwide media campaign but instead, they would rely on hand delivered tracts delivered to every door on the planet. Makes sense right?
4 decades later looking back, I realize that no one has ever been concerned about the end coming in someone else's lifetime, only their own. Every Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses that has come and gone has always indicated that the currently living JW's would witness the end of the "system of things" in their lifetime.
As far as I can see, every few decades, they need to create something that seems ominous and exciting and is so far fetched that it has to be true. This has always been an effective way to keep the Troops enthused and interested enough until enough time passes and anyone who might remember the nonsense from the past, is long gone or too old and irrelevant or too entrenched, to care.